Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Moresby Primary School is a village primary based in Moresby Parks, just outside Whitehaven. Well known for our family atmosphere, we also have a good record of academic success.
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Moresby Primary School

‘Together Everyone Achieves More’

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum intent is best summarised by our School Values, and our Curriculum Aims:

School Values

These are the aspects of character and learning we aim to develop to the greatest possible extent in all of our children by the time they move on from our school.  Our school motto "Together Everyone Achieves More" runs right through the centre of them, while our values sit alongside the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.

Curriculum Aims

These are twelve broad categories of learning we talk with the children about in lessons and assemblies, as we encourage them to see how they are developing into each over time.


We aim to make our curriculum ever more accessible for all children, regardless of any needs or challenges they have. 

To find out what we're currently working on, please read our current accessibility plan, which can be found below.
